Comité canadien sur l’histoire du travail

NFLY and the Candy Bar Kids: Radical Youth, Popular Protest, and the Red Scare in Postwar Canada

NFLY and the Candy Bar Kids: Radical Youth, Popular Protest, and the Red Scare in Postwar Canada

In Labour/Le Travail issue 93, Julie Guard, author of  Radical Housewives: Price Wars and Food Politics in Mid-twentieth-century Canada,  explores the moment in 1947 when...

Making Space for Creativity: Cultural Initiatives of Sudbury's Mine-Mill Local 598 in the Postwar Era

Making Space for Creativity: Cultural Initiatives of Sudbury's Mine-Mill Local 598 in the Postwar Era

Labour/Le Travail 's issue 93 features Elizabeth Quinlan's piece "Making Space for Creativity: Cultural Initiatives of Sudbury's Mine-Mill Local 598 in the Postwar Era."...

The Labour Companion:  A bibliorgraphy of printed sources of Canadian Labour History

The Labour Companion: A bibliorgraphy of printed sources of Canadian Labour History

In 2019, G. Douglas Vaisey completed the second edition of The Labour Companion: A bibliography of printed sources of Canadian Labour History. This extraordinary...

‘What is Labour’s Stake?’:  Workers and the History of Environmentalism in Alberta

‘What is Labour’s Stake?’: Workers and the History of Environmentalism in Alberta

The Canadian environmental movement has long included significant engagement from organized labour, Chad Montrie, author of  The Myth of Silent Spring: Rethinking the...

Labour / Le Travail

S’abonner à la plus importante revue canadienne en histoire du travail et en études ouvrières


Acheter des livres du Comité canadien sur l’histoire du travail via Athabasca University Press

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Comité canadien sur l’histoire du travail

À propos du CCHT

Le Comité canadien sur l’histoire du travail s’adresse à chaque personne intéressée par l’étude et la promotion de tous les volets de l’histoire du travail et de la classe ouvrière, entendue dans un sens très large. Il accueille favorablement les travaux sur les milieux ouvriers, les cultures, l’ethnicité, la vie des familles, les genres, la sexualité, les migrations, les idéologies, les politiques et les organisations.