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Call for Papers Recording Resistance: Oral History, Politics and Feminism, 1960s-1990s
Do you do research on oral history and women’s organising in Canada? (Le texte français suit l’anglais) We invite proposals for chapters in an edited collection, Recording...
CFP: Why Does Labour Matter? The Past, Present, and Future of Labour and Labour Studies
CFP Why Does Labour Matter? The Past, Present, and Future of Labour and Labour Studies Université du Québec à Montréal, 14-15 November 2025 In 1976 the Canadian Committee on...
NFLY and the Candy Bar Kids: Radical Youth, Popular Protest, and the Red Scare in Postwar Canada
In Labour/Le Travail issue 93, Julie Guard, author of Radical Housewives: Price Wars and Food Politics in Mid-twentieth-century Canada, explores the moment in 1947 when...
Making Space for Creativity: Cultural Initiatives of Sudbury's Mine-Mill Local 598 in the Postwar Era
Labour/Le Travail 's issue 93 features Elizabeth Quinlan's piece "Making Space for Creativity: Cultural Initiatives of Sudbury's Mine-Mill Local 598 in the Postwar Era." This...

Labour / Le Travail
Labour / Le Travail
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About CCLH
The Canadian Committee on Labour History is open to anybody interested in studying and promoting all aspects of working-class and labour history. The Committee defines working-class and labour history in the broadest terms and encourages study of working-class communities, culture, ethnicity, family life, gender, sexuality, migration, ideology, politics and organization.